Board of Management
Boards of Management of primary schools are appointed for a four year term. The term of office for new Boards of Management is from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2027.
The Board manages the school on behalf of the Patron and is accountable to the Patron and the Minister.
The Principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, including guidance and direction of the teachers and other staff of the school, and is accountable to the Board for that management.
Chairperson: Garreth Phelan
Vice Chairperson: Noeleen Connell
Treasurer: Niav Cahill
Secretarary: Principal Jennifer Murphy
Recording Secretary: Emma Nicholson
Patron Representative: Garreth Phelan and Noeleen Connell
Teacher's Representative: Philippa Cosgrave
Parent Representatives: James Miller and Emma Nicholson
Community Representatives: Niav Cahill and Evan Horan